3 Main Reasons Why Epic and Mythic Ban Heroes Are Different!

3 Main Reasons Why Epic and Mythic Ban Heroes Are Different!

For those of you who reset the EPic every time, of course you feel the striking difference in the draft tires and picks on Epic and Mythic.

Usually there are heroes who are banned in Epic but not in Mythic and vice versa. So what is the reason for the difference in the hero tires?

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Both Rank Macros Are Far Different

Mobile Legends macro
source: Mobile Legends

It’s a shame that this is a fact that we saw when playing rank. In Epic, the average macro player is very weak, rarely checks bushes, just passing by, he keeps on ganking, moving forward and not looking at the map, and many others.

The point is sensitivity to small maps, so heroes who rely on macros like Johnson, Aldous and even Nana with Molina are quite superior.

Because this behavior makes the heroes that we mentioned become dangerous and become tires because when picked on by an opponent it will make it difficult for the team, especially when solo rank and colleagues pick core heroes like MM or Mage, they will usually become targets of bullying.

Micro Still Weak

source: ig @grangerml

It’s not only macro, it turns out that Epic’s micro rank is usually still lacking so pick heroes that are easy to use. Apart from being easy to use, of course if the opponent is more skilled it will be easy to stop.

Heroes like Layla, ordinary Miya will become a subscription to Epic Marksman ranks because they are easy to play, not difficult Marksman heroes like Claude who have to take care of the stack and Ultimate when the stack is full.

Difficult heroes like that will usually be left alone to the enemy or not picked and choose an easy hero.

The combination of the two is Hero Meta

Offlaner hero op
Photo via Twitter

Apart from easy heroes, players are usually not sensitive to meta heroes. Heroes like Arlott, Joy are left unattended and when the enemy picks and is good at playing it, of course he will be slaughtered.

The reason they don’t ban is also because they don’t know about the meta or power of the hero, which even in tournaments is often banned continuously.

They are more concerned with heroes that make it difficult for them because of the two things above, such as Johnson, Aldous or Nana.

So, don’t be surprised if when playing on Epic after Mythic there will be a difference from the ban on heroes in Mobile Legends.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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