Here Are 5 Hero Tanks That Can Be Hyper in Mobile Legends!
Many of the heroes with the Tank role can be hyper, and can be feared by some players if you can use this hero properly.
So, this time SPIN Esports will give you recommendations for heroes with the Tank role that can become hyper in Mobile Legends that you must try. Come on, see below!
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1. Edith

Edith is a hero with the role of Tank/Marksman who has unique abilities. Where do you use Edith with the full Tank item, when you use Edith’s ultimate which becomes a Marksman you will get strong full damage.
You really have to try using Edith for now, because this hero is considered an Overpowered hero for now.
2. Fredrinn
Fredrinn is a hero with a Tank role that you can make a hyper hero, Fredrinn by having a thick shield. This hero can become a solo hero as well as a jungle so he can become a real hyper.

Esmeralda is a hero with the Tank/Mage role. She is a hero who has quite high damage, especially when Esmeralda uses her one skill, it forms a shield that is quite thick.
4. Barats

Barats is a hero with a Tank/Fighter role who can become a hyper hero, especially when you use jungle spells. So that Barats is used as a jungle tank, and this will benefit you if you can use Barats properly.
5. Akai

Akai is a Tank hero who has a very good advantage when you use the Akai jungle. You can kidnap your opponent so you can quickly get a turtle.
READ ALSO: 3 Tank Heroes That Are Most Unsuitable To Be Offlaners
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