You guys should know that three fighter heroes op Mobile Legends This is the counter for marksman with a long attack range, spinners, anyone?
Marksman heroes who have a long attack range like Layla, Natan, Popol, and so on are the most annoying thing when they are their opponents.
They can easily kill us from a long distance while we find it difficult to counterattack them.
READ ALSO: The Only Mage Hero Who Is Only Strong in Late Time
Therefore SPIN Esports has three fighter heroes which can counter the marksman with a long attack range at MLBBwho are they?
Yu Zhong

Not only can you counter high ground mage heroes, but far range marksman can also counter Yu Zhong.
Yu Zhong has an ultimate that can go straight behind the opponent’s hero and kill their marksman on the spot.

Fighting marksmen, both long and close attack ranges, is an easy thing for Silvanna, because Silvanna has an ultimate that can immediately penetrate the opponent’s defense.
At that moment he can immediately use his very deadly combo skill.

Finally, there is Xborg, even though his attack range is short, Xborg has an ultimate that can go straight into the opponent’s back and kill their high ground marksman right away.
Not to mention that Xborg’s defense is also quite thick so that the opposing marksmen find it difficult to kill him.
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