Will Mobile Legends Apply 10 Bans in Draft Pick?
Quite surprising news came from the MOBA game which is quite popular in Indonesia.
You certainly know that currently in the draft pick there are a total of 6 heroes that are banned and cannot be used in that match (rank).
So, later (reportedly starting July-December 2023) 10 hero bans will be applied for Mythic ranks and above.
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The Truth 10 Tires in Draft Pick

It is not yet known for certain whether it will be released in the month mentioned. But considering that there are more and more strong heroes, of course this is very reasonable when applied.
Many players have complained about the release of several OP heroes because they ran out of tire slots, even though that also spurred us to fight these heroes with existing heroes.
Some heroes also get revamped so that they balance with other heroes who are currently classified as OP. These heroes also often get nerfed even though they are still strong and reliable by players.
Our Opinion About 10 Tires
As we said before, this is very reasonable considering that there are more and more Mobile Legends heroes.
With so many tires, of course other existing heroes can also be used, not just depending on the current two or three OP heroes.
But of course Moonton has to balance other heroes, especially those who haven’t been seen in the rankings for a long time so that they can approach the performance of strong heroes, so that there will be more variations for team composition when playing.
What do you think about the issue of 10 Ban heroes ranked in Mythic and above? Happy or even sad?
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Source: dailyspin.id