Very Weak, Don’t Pick These 3 Assassin Heroes When Ranking

Remember spinners, never pick three hero assassins Mobile Legends Here’s when playing rank, the ability is really weak, you know.

Many think that assassin heroes all of them are very op and terrible, they are very sharp, agile and fast.

But not all assassin heroes reliable, because there are three hero assassins which according to SPIN Esports are really weak and less effective to use, who are they?

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Hero op mobile legends
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Who said Joy op? this one assassin hero is in fact an ordinary hero who is easy to beat. It’s true that this hero is very agile and is the main scourge of marksmen.

But in the mid game, Joy is really useless, at that time the marksmen already have painful damage and it’s easy to kill Joy.

Moreover, Joy herself is not strong enough in the mid to late game and she relies too much on her skills when fighting.


Photo via ART Street by Kyo

Then there is Gusion, even though he has a deadly combo skill, Gusion is the easiest assassin to counter.

Gusion is very weak against cc heroes, Gusion is easy to counter because of his predictable gameplay.


Hero Roamer op mobile legends
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Finally there is Hanzo, Hanzo’s gameplay is very predictable. Moreover, this hero has a big weakness, namely his real body that can’t be moved when he uses his ultimate.

Hanzo’s real body will become the target of opposing heroes and Hanzo is very afraid of fighting heroes like Ling, Harley, Benedetta, Hayabusa and other agile heroes who can easily attack Hanzo’s real body.

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