The 3 Best Healing Heroes, Your Blood is Full and Teams with Them

In the following, SPIN Esports has three recommendations healing heroes best in Mobile Legends (ML)your blood can be full and continue to team up with them.

Heroes with healing abilities, aka heroes who can give blood to their teammates, are the most needed team mates in the game MLBB.

The reason is of course because they can provide healing or blood when we are dying or decreasing.

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Usually healing heroes The data comes from role support, and the following is recommendation three healing heroes best in MLBBanyone?


Mobile legends mechanical hero
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The first hero is Angela, Angela has a very fast heal using her 1st skill. So the guarantee of your blood being full while with Angela is huge.

But unfortunately Angela can only give full heal to one hero she directs, if it is directed simultaneously to other heroes then the heal will be very little.


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Then there is Estes, if Angela can only heal profusely to one teammate, Estes is much different.

He can provide heavy healing to all his teammates simultaneously using his ultimate, it’s amazing and only Estes can.


the best healing heroes
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Finally, there is Rafaela, it’s true that the healing that Rafaela provides is not heavy, aka not much.

But the benefits you get if Rafaela uses her healing skills are better than other healing heroes. Where Rafaela can provide blood to her teammates as well as movement speed to them.

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