You must know that three spinners marksman heroes (mm) Mobile Legends this really must be banned when playing rank, the three of them are too op.
The average list of banned heroes is ranked MLBB now all from role mage and assassin, very rare hero mm who became a tire customer except Melissa.
Whereas marksman heroes also not inferior to other heroes, even according to SPIN Esports 3 hero mm this really needs to be banned when playing rank, who are they?
READ ALSO: 3 Marksman Heroes Who Have Fast Movement Speed

Actually, Melissa doesn’t have to be banned because this one hero really depends on her 2 skills.
But in the right hands Melissa will be very terrible, if the players are smart to use her 2 skills and direct them correctly. Therefore, in order to avoid good players, it’s better to just ban this hero.

Don’t want to get an instant kill? Then banned Brody is the best choice. This one mm hero only needs a few attacks to kill you.
Even from a long distance, Brody can kill you as long as the stack hits the hero you are using and you are in his ultimate range.

Finally, there is Beatrix, for this one hero you can say that you must be banned more than Melissa. Because Beatrix has 4 different types of weapons, all of which are very powerful.
Even in the right hands, Beatrix can slay her opponents easily, change weapons quickly, and can spam the ultimate from each of her weapons.
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