These 3 Tank Heroes Are Known as MM Killers

Did you know that three tank heroes Mobile Legends (ML) These are known by players as killers of heroes mm, who are they?

Generally tank heroes is the main food for marksmen, because usually they come to the front and are attacked by mm heroes until they are killed.

But did you know that there are three tank heroes who are known as killers of marksman heroes (mm), they can defeat marksman easily, anyone?

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Franco mobile legends
Photo via Reddit

First there is Franco, who has an annoying hook and an ultimate that can’t be avoided to make mms afraid of fighting Franco.

This one tank hero is known as a marksman killer from the past, his abilities are truly feared by mm heroes.


High mechanic heroes
Photo via Reddit

Then there’s Edith, desperate by1 with Edith? Then you can be killed right then and there. In particular, mms who are too confident can win against Edith alone.

Due to the fact that Edith can kill you alone, her combo skill is very annoying and very deadly at the same time.


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Lastly there is Johnson, this one tank hero is very well known as the killer of MM heroes, all MM heroes will be afraid if they face Johnson.

They will avoid solo lane, away from their teammates and always behind when fighting against Johnson. Because in one crash, Johnson can easily kill mms, especially since there are opposing heroes behind him.

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