This Mage Hero, if he becomes a Goldlaner, is very strong

You guys should know that hero mage Mobile Legends this is very strong, if you play it as a goldlaner, who is he?

There are only a few hero mage which can be played on the side lane besides the midlane, there are even one or two heroes who are very strong if played on the side.

Like one hero mage The following is the ability to be really op, if you play Goldlane, who is this hero?

READ ALSO: This Mage Hero is Called the Counter of Fighters


Hero mage op
Photo via Pinterest

The hero mage is Change, this one hero has a very unique and terrifying ability.

It’s so unique that even Change can be played with physical and magical builds at the same time, the skills really support this.

If you play with full item magic, then Change only relies on his ultimate as his main weapon when he fights.

Meanwhile, when you play Change with a mixture of physical items, skills 1 and 2 are very useful and can issue great damage.

Goldlaners filled with marksman will have a hard time against Change, because they lose their attack range.

Especially when Change uses his ultimate, the marksman might be completely zoned out.

Lord Thief ML Hero
source :

Meanwhile for by1 itself Change is very superior during the early to mid game, the damage is very deadly and difficult to counter the mm.

The only way to counter Change is to use certain heroes like Hayabusa, Ling and so on.

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