The difference between Midlaner Epic and Mythic Mobile Legends, So Far!

The difference between Midlaner Epic and Mythic Mobile Legends, So Far!

You have to know this especially when you just rose from a low rank or Epic, Legend to a higher rank, namely Mythic, Honor, or Glory.

Because it turns out that there are quite a lot of differences in our opinion, these differences make the game easy or difficult when you don’t understand your job as a midlaner.

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Midlaner Epic Mobile Legends

Photo via Pinterest
  • Stay Mid and Rarely Rotate
  • Rotation through the center bush
  • Clear Minions mid at 1.40 minutes

It’s not all of them, but the average time is mid and busy clearing minions regardless of maps or team rotation.

When they want to rotate, for example from or to exp/gold they will usually go through the middle bush which is usually the opponent’s roamer or midlaner.

The last point can be said to be advanced where a high rank midlaner will usually give a mid minion for roamers at 1.40 minutes so that roamers are level 4 and can be objective turtles.

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Midlaner Mythic

Hero mage skills
Photo via Aerie Arts
  • Help Roam Exp/Gold Rotation
  • Spin rotation so as not to be ganking
  • Go to Explane to clear lane for roamer level 4

You could say the difference is clear for the three points above, where the midlaner will actively assist both junglers, roamers or all matters of rotation after clearing the lane mid. He will usually go up and down helping either Goldlaner or Explaner, usually going to the explaner to clear lane exp in 1.40 minutes so that the mid minions are cleared by roamers and can be level 4 so they can contest objective turtles.

The important point is that he doesn’t just rotate, especially for the middle bush where usually there will be a roamer or midlaner ready to block, usually if you want to pass, you will use skill first to check the bush.

For those of you who are midlaners and still playing like Epic midlaners, you should learn the points above so that you can continue to rank up in Mobile Legends.

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