3 Strongest Heroes in Mobile Legends From Role Fighters

You guys should know that three fighter heroes Mobile Legends these are touted as the strongest in the current meta game, who are they?

Fighter heroes is one of the most favorite hero roles for players Mobile Legendsgood for those who play jungler, roamer to offlaner.

Generally fighter heroes himself fills in the explaner role and the competition for this role hero is very tight.

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Apart from all that, SPIN Esports has 3 recommendations fighter heroes Mobile Legends the strongest in the current meta, who are they?


hero counter arlott
Photo via Pinterest

So subscribe to ban the players in rank, showing you that this one fighter hero is really terrible.

Arlott has abilities above the average other fighter heroes, he can also play other roles very well, that’s the main reason why players have been banning him continuously since the beginning of Arlott’s release.


hero counter minsitthar
Photo via TikTok

Then there is Minsitthar, can be played in many different roles making Minsitthar very special in the current meta.

He has a strong defense which is suitable to be played as a roamer, he also has deadly damage which is suitable to be played on exp or jungler.

Even more amazing, Minsitthar is called by the players as the hero’s counter, because his ultimate can give silence to anyone who is determined to face him.


Hero Jungler op
Photo via Redbubble

Finally there is Martis, since getting a buff some time ago the name Martis really appeared and dominated the meta game.

His domination has been going on for a long time, even now Martis is still terrible. He is usually played as a jungler and can easily counter other core heroes.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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