Fenix ​​Esports Players Who Have Trouble with EVOS According to Branz

Fenix ​​Esports Players Who Challenge EVOS According to Branz at MSC 2023

MSC 2023 has rolled around where there are two Indonesian representatives competing. Both of them could be considered difficult even though they managed to achieve positive results where both of them managed to win.

ONIC was able to topple the home team 2-0, while EVOS Legends was able to reverse sweep from Myanmar’s representative Fenix.

READ ALSO: MSC 2023 Mobile Legends Results: ONIC and EVOS Win?

Regarding the recent match, Branz as the representative for EVOS Legends through a media interview after the match against Fenix ​​Esports said this player was the most difficult for EVOS in that match.

EVOS Branz Admits Beni is Strong

EVOS Branz
source: IG @evosesports

“Beni, because the positioning is very good during the teamfight and the laning phase is very good,” EVOS Branz

It must be admitted that in the previous match Goldlaner from Fenix ​​Esports was a frightening specter for the EVOS team and even became the key to their victory in the first game.

However, after knowing this, EVOS Legends was seen observing Beni’s movements and prevented him from doing much in the following games.

EVOS Legends managed to get pretty good points at the start of their MSC 2023 match and opened up the opportunity to win the group after defeating the Myanmar champion, they had to face the Singapore champion, RSG Slate SG, who also couldn’t be underestimated given his performance in the last Sea Games which was quite difficult.

Pray for the best for Indonesian teams, both ONIC Esports and EVOS Legends, so they can win again at MSC 2023 later.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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