Kadita’s 3 Most Effective Counter Heroes 100%, Don’t Be Afraid Anymore!

You guys should know that three hero op Mobile Legends this can counter Kadita very powerfully and effectively, who are they?

Kadita is a very scary mage hero in the meta game Mobile Legends right now, either at high or low rank.

Can be played in midlane or roamer roles and has deadly burst damage, making his name the favorite and at the same time feared by players.

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That’s why SPIN Esports has 100% of the most effective Kadita hero counter recommendations, who are they?


hero counter selena
Photo via Reddit

Kadita’s monotonous and predictable movements make Selena able to easily target Kadita with her 2 (catfish) skill which has a very long stun.

So that Kadita was easily killed right away by Selena, due to her predictable movements.


Hero Jumpscare mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

The second hero is Helcurt, this one assassin hero is Kadita’s most terrible counter, not just countering, but Helcurt can kill Kadita very easily.

Helcurt has a silent skill that can make Kadita unable to use her skills, then Helcurt also has burst damage which is much deadlier than Kadita.


ugliest hero
Photo via ART Street by MediBang

Lastly, there is Khufra, this one tank hero is Kadita’s most effective and annoying counter for Kadita herself.

Because Khufra’s skill 2 can cancel Kadita’s skills, skill 1 and even her ultimate can be canceled by Khufra’s skill 2 so that Kadita will have a lot of trouble dealing with it.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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