3 Most Effective Counter Heroes Martis Jungler From Role Mage Midlane

Opponent difficulty Martis? Here are three hero counters Martis The most effective jungler 100% of midlane role mage, who are the three of them?

Martis So fighter heroes which is the favorite of players to play as a jungler, this hero is very terrible to fill that position.

But how terrible Martis, still he has a hero counter. Like three hero counters Martis The following is the most effective jungler from the midlane role mage, anyone?

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Vale mobile legends
Photo via Webnovel

The first name is Vale, countering Martis with Vale is very easy as long as you have to play the timing before using the skills.

Yep, use skill 2 Vale when Martis has finished using skill 2, because skill 2 Martis is immune from all types of cc. As a result, when Martis doesn’t have skill 2, he can be CCed and killed by Vale alone using his deadly skill combo.


Hero mage op Mobile legends
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When fighting Zhask, we are made awry, because Zhask has a joni who accompanies him when fighting, when Zhask uses his ultimate, his joni will grow.

At that moment, Martis couldn’t fight Zhask at all, even getting close to him would be difficult.


Hero mage op
Photo via Pinterest

Of course Lunox is included in the list, because this one mage hero is the counter of all types of fighter heroes.

Yep Lunox has high burst damage that makes fighters like Martis die on the spot, besides that he also has an immune skill that can avoid skills from opposing heroes.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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