This Unpopular Hero Mage Turns Out to Be a Deadly Roamer

You guys should know that hero mage Mobile Legends (ML) This unpopular turned out to be a very deadly roamer, who is he?

There are more than 10 hero mage which exist in Mobile Legendsmany of which are either unused or simply for decoration.

As a result, many players try the new meta by playing mage heroes it is in another role.

Like hero mage This unpopular one turns out to be a very deadly roamer, who is he?

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Hero Combo Aurora
Photo via Pinterest

This hero is Aurora, Aurora herself is a veteran mage hero in Mobile Legends. But his fate is not as good as Nana, Vexana and others as popular veteran mages.

Aurora’s fate is much sadder than other mages, Aurora’s name has disappeared from the MLBB meta game for a long time.

Even now, Aurora is still rarely seen being used, once someone picks her up, her team will surely lose because Aurora is not strong enough to play as a midlaner.

But there is one good solution for Aurora, where this one mage hero turns out to be suitable and effective to play as a roamer.

Hero mage meta
Photo via Twitter

Aurora has good skills as a roamer, she has a long stun, can open maps with her skills and most importantly Aurora has a deadly combo that can kill the opponent’s core.

If you play her as a roamer, then Aurora’s abilities will be on par with Selena or Kadita roamers.

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