The 3 Most Spoiled Mage Heroes, Really Need Roamer Cover

Did you know that three hero mage Mobile Legends (ML) This is touted as the most spoiled hero, they really need cover roamers.

Average all over hero mage in Mobile Legends very strong in the midlane, they can solo the middle lane well.

But there are some hero mage which turned out to be very spoiled, they really need to be covered by roamers, anyone?

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Team Fight hero mages
Photo via FB The Art of Goyong

First there is Vale, Vale is a mage hero who is vulnerable to the opponent’s gang because skill 1, which is a damage skill, doesn’t clear minions quickly because minions come vertically, while skill 1 Vale is horizontal.

As a result, Vale had to go to the side first to make his skills level with the minions and when he went to the side, he was prone to being ganged up on by opposing heroes who could come suddenly.

Therefore he needs a roamer to be able to cover him during the early game.


Hero mage op
Photo via Pinterest

Odette has a very small area of ​​attack, her skills are easily avoided by the opposing midlaner, therefore she needs cover from roamers so that she can be maximized.

Which cover from the roamer aims to make Odette safe from being picked up by opposing heroes and her skills can hit the opposing midlaner, even Odette becomes calm when using her ultimate which is easy to cancel.


Vexana mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Lastly, there is Vexana, if you face 1vs1 with your opponent, then the risk of losing is very big for Vexana.

Because Vexana’s skills must hit the opposing hero, therefore he really needs the help of his roamers to lure or divert the opponent’s hero’s attention, so Vexana’s skills can hit the opposing hero.

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