3 Very Ugly Hero Fighters in the Early Game

You guys should know that three fighter heroes Mobile Legends this is really bad in the early game, who are the three of them?

Of the many fighter heroes which exist in MLBBaccording to SPIN Esports there are only three of them fighter heroes whose abilities are really bad in the early game.

Even so bad, they can only hide in the turret when by1 with the opponent, during the early game, who are they?

READ ALSO: This Fighter Hero is Very OP on Epic, But Forgotten at High Rank


jungler fighter heroes
Photo via Gambar Keren

It was really useless during the early game that Sun felt, the skills were really bad especially the damage was small at the beginning of the game.

That makes Sun really useless during the early minutes of the game, you have to be patient to make Sun more op.


Hero fighter op mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Then there is Alucard, this Alucard fights by relying on his lifesteal. Now the lifesteal comes from Alucard’s own items and skills.

So during the early game the items weren’t ready yet, Alucard was prone to being killed by opposing heroes, as a result during the early game Alucard had to be patient.


Berserker Fury ML
source: Mobile Legends

Finally there is Aulus, just like Alucard, Aulus also fights by relying on his lifesteal, so during the early game Aulus’s lifesteal is not fast.

This makes him vulnerable to being killed early in the game, therefore he has to do timing and play patiently in order to survive and slaughter in the late game.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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