This Hero Tank Is Very Popular Even though It’s Ordinary

Did you know that there is one tank heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) which is very popular despite its mediocre abilities.

Even when you pick tank heroes that, your chances of losing are quite large, because the hero cannot be relied on in the game.

Then who is the popular hero and why do we mention tank heroes is it normal and even makes you lose? Check out the review for the SPIN Esports version below.

READ ALSO: This Fighter Hero Is Very Strong, But Not Many Know It


Roamer goldlaner mobile legends
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That hero is the Minotaur, many players consider this one tank hero to be very strong and really helpful in team fights.

This is indeed true, because a good ultimate Minotaur like Atlas, he can cc many opposing heroes at once because he has a wide skill area.

Apart from that, his passive can also count marksman heroes like Wanwan, Melissa and so on.

However, what many players don’t realize is the Minotaur mechanic which is quite difficult to play, yep, activating the ultimate Minotaur is somewhat tricky.

You have to complete the stack first, so you can use the ultimate. So it took quite a while, so the opponent was able to scoop up and finish off the Minotaur first before he used his ultimate skill.

Hero M2 Anti-Meta
source :

Moreover, the blood of this Minotaur is fairly thin, he dies easily, both when in a gang or being targeted by one opponent’s core hero.

Therefore, it’s too big a risk that you have when you pick this one tank hero, so it’s better to forget about the Minotaur and pick other tank heroes that are more promising for victory.

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