Reasons for Rekt Moving to Alter Ego (AE) in MPL ID Season 12

Reasons for Rekt Moving to Alter Ego (AE) in MPL ID Season 12

It turns out that this was Rekt’s reason for moving to Alter Ego after two seasons of taking a break from the pro scene.

You could say it was surprising to see Bang Otat, who has been playing for EVOS for a long time, moving teams. Although indeed there have been many rumors circulating lately regarding Rekt’s arrival to the team.

ALSO READ: There Are New Players, Here Are the Roster Alter Ego MPL ID Season 12!

Finally, Rekt was officially announced through a press conference which they held at the Jakarta International Stadium.

Even though you can say that the complete roster hasn’t changed much, because there are still Celiboy, Rasy, Udil, Pai and Nino. As well as Variety, which stepped up from MDL last season.

Rekt’s reason for joining AE

What was the reason Rekt finally decided to move to Alter Ego. In short, through an interview with SPIN Esports, this is Rekt’s answer.

AE Rekt
Source: IG @alteregoesports

“Only Alter Ego wants old machines,” said Rekt.

It turned out that the main factor was because Alter Ego was the only team that accepted him back, where he considered himself an old machine or a fairly senior roster, where we know that Rekt has been involved in the Mobile Legends scene for a long time, he added, when asked why did he move after talking about his blood being really blue, it turns out the reason is quite reasonable.

“EVOS doesn’t call me anymore and what else can I do,” said Rekt.

To be honest, Rekt still wanted to play with EVOS, but EVOS didn’t call him back to the roster, so he finally decided to move.

We are really looking forward to Rekt’s performance with his new team Alter Ego, will it fit in with the roster that has been together for a long time? It’s interesting to wait.

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