The 3 Best Fighter Heroes for Team Fights, Guaranteed Win During War

You guys should know that three fighter heroes Mobile Legends this is the best in team fight matters, you can be guaranteed to win when they pick them.

Average para fighter heroes in Mobile Legends is a hero who has good skills, both in team fights or by1.

But there are three fighter heroes only those who have the best team fight skills among other fighters, even when picking them, you can be guaranteed to win, who are you?

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Yu Zhong

Hero fighter mobile legends
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Of course, the first hero is Yu Zhong. You could say Yu Zhong is the most complete hero for by1 or team fights.

Even when a team fight, his abilities increase drastically, because his passive will be maximized and kill all of you easily.


hero op mobile legends
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Then there is Terizla, all of Terizla’s skills can be said to be skills for all team fights. Especially the ultimate that can pull the opponent to the specified area.

It’s very annoying to fight against, not to mention skills 2 and 1 Terizla are incredibly painful and can also deal damage to many opponents at once.


Hero fighter op
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This hero is Minsitthar, Minsitthar himself is a fighter hero who is touted as a counter for heroes.

He has a skill area that can silence all opposing heroes, his 1st skill is also the same as Franco’s ability to pull opponents towards him but in large numbers, this is of course very annoying for opponents in team fights.

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