3 MM OP Heroes With the Most Barbaric Gameplay

You guys should know that three marksman heroes (mm) op Mobile Legends this is known as mm with the most barbaric gameplay, who are they?

Key plays marksman heroes is to be patient and concerned with position when the war takes place, but what about when hero mm what we use is a barbarian hero?

Of course, our gameplay also has to be barbaric to adjust mmm heroes the. So, regarding this matter, SPIN Esports has three hero mm op with the most barbaric gameplay.

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Moskov Hero Marksman
source: Pinterest.com

There is no term to play casually when you use Moskov, because this one mm hero really has to be played barbarian.

All of that is because skill 1 must be used frequently by Moskov so that his abilities are maximized, the more often he uses skill 1, the more op Moskov is.


Miya counter heroes
Photo via ArtStation

Then there is Miya, this Miya includes the mm HBD hero, aka a hero who can surprise the opponent suddenly because of Miya’s ultimate which can make herself disappear for a few seconds.

Later Miya will immediately enter the middle of the war and slaughter all the opponents in front of her.


Hero Marksman Sick
source: Mobile Legends

Finally there is Claude, Claude relies heavily on his passive and stacks when fighting, because his abilities will increase in just a few seconds.

So he has to take advantage of his increased ability by playing barbarically, even his ultimate makes Claude have to get into the middle of a war.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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