Conquer the Ages: A Guide to Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution for Ultimate Strategy Success

Conquer the Ages: A Guide to Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution for Ultimate Strategy Success

Are you ready to take on the world of Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution? This strategy game has been captivating players for over a decade, challenging them to build and expand their own civilization while competing against others. With so many different paths to victory, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But fear not, for this guide will provide you with everything you need to know to conquer the ages and emerge victorious.

1. Understanding the Basics
To start, it’s important to understand the basics of the game. Civilization Revolution is a turn-based strategy game where players must build and expand their own civilization while competing against others. Each turn, players can move their units, build new structures, research new technologies, and more. The game ends when a player achieves one of several victory conditions, such as conquering all other civilizations or winning a space race.

2. Choosing Your Civilization
One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is which civilization to play as. Each civilization has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose one that suits your playstyle. For example, the Chinese civilization has a strong economy and can quickly build wonders, while the American civilization has a powerful military and can quickly produce units.

3. Building Your City
Once you’ve chosen your civilization, it’s time to start building your city. Start by choosing a good location for your city, preferably near a river or coast. From there, you can start building structures like farms, mines, and markets to improve your city’s economy. Don’t forget to also build units like warriors and archers to defend your city from potential attacks.

4. Researching Technologies
To stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to continually research new technologies. This will allow you to build more advanced structures, produce stronger units, and unlock new victory conditions. Be sure to prioritize technologies that will give you an advantage over your opponents, such as military technologies if you plan on conquering other civilizations.

5. Diplomacy and Trade
In addition to warfare, diplomacy and trade can also be important factors in Civilization Revolution. Building alliances with other civilizations can provide you with valuable resources and protection, while trade agreements can boost your economy. However, be careful not to trust your allies too much, as they may turn on you if it benefits them.

6. Military Strategy
When it comes to military strategy, there are several key tactics to keep in mind. First, it’s important to have a mix of different unit types, such as melee units and ranged units. This will allow you to attack from a distance while also defending against close-range attacks. Additionally, be sure to keep your units well-supplied and positioned strategically to take advantage of terrain and defensive structures.

7. Victory Conditions
Finally, it’s important to keep your eye on the prize and work towards achieving one of the game’s victory conditions. Whether it’s conquering all other civilizations or winning a cultural victory, be sure to focus your efforts towards your chosen goal. Don’t get too distracted by building up your city or researching new technologies if it doesn’t contribute to your overall strategy.

In conclusion, Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution is a complex and challenging strategy game that requires careful planning and execution. By following these tips and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the ages and emerging victorious. So gather your resources, build your civilization, and prepare for the ultimate test of strategy and skill.


1. Can I play Civilization Revolution on multiple platforms?
Yes, Civilization Revolution is available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS, and iOS.

2. How many civilizations are there to choose from in the game?
There are 16 civilizations to choose from in Civilization Revolution.

3. Is there a multiplayer mode in Civilization Revolution?
Yes, there is a multiplayer mode where you can compete against other players online.

4. Can I customize my civilization’s leader?
No, each civilization has a specific leader with their own unique abilities and traits.

5. How long does a typical game of Civilization Revolution last?
A typical game of Civilization Revolution can last anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the chosen victory condition and difficulty level.

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