3 MM OP Heroes Who Can Attack Enemies Instantly Die

You guys should know that three hero mm op Mobile Legends (ML) this can attack 1x, the enemy immediately automatically dies, anyone?

There are some marksman heroes which is equipped with terrible abilities among other mm, even so terrible that he can kill an opponent in just 1x attack.

Of course, players like this kind of ability because it looks cool and deadly, so SPIN Esports has a list of 3 mm op heroes Mobile Legends who can attack the enemy immediately dies, who are they?

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bad mm hero
Photo via DeviantArt

The first name is familiar to your ears, yes, she is Lesley. Lesley has a very terrible skill 1.

When skill 1 is used to attack his opponent using a basic attack, the damage that Lesley can produce can be very large, it is enough to kill a mage hero, mm or other opponent’s cores in 1 hit.


mcl heroes mobile legends
Photo via ArtStation

Then there is Clint, be careful with skill 1 Clint, as long as he has mana then he can spam skill 1.

Clint’s skill 1 itself is very scathing damage, only with that 1 skill he is even able to kill the opponent’s core hero in just 1 attack.


Hero mm mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Lastly, there is Beatrix, almost the same as Lesley, Beatrix’s sniper also has very grievous damage.

He is able to kill the opponent’s core hero in just 1 hit, that is of course very terrible and must be watched out for by his opponents.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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