Leaked Display of Assassin’s New Mobile Legends Role!

Leaked Display of Assassin’s New Mobile Legends Role!

Maybe for you jungler or Assassin users will be happy because of the arrival of a new hero with that role.

Finally, the pure Assassin hero (not Arlott because Fighter/Assassin) is Joy, which will be released around November 2022.

It’s been a long time, of course, especially since Arlott and Joy are more often used as explaners, not junglers like most of the other Assassin heroes.

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For Arlott, it was quite natural because he has the role of Fighter, but for Joy, even though he was once suited as a jungler, he is more often used as an explaner, especially in tournaments.

New Mobile Legends Assassin Hero Leaks

New Hero Nolan
source: IG @ml_leak

The name of this new hero is Nolan, and next week you may be able to see leaked skills on the Advanced Server.

If you look at the appearance, it will have a time travel theme like Natan, and if you look at the skill icon, it will be fast hand heroes.

He has three active skills that you can see above. It’s interesting to wait for, especially for Assassin players who like fast-handed heroes.

When will it be released on the original server?

Of course there is no certainty when it will be released, but the estimate is that it will be released in September/October at the earliest because indeed for the hero Ixia, the new Marksman hero Mobile Legends will be released in July.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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