RRQ Fans Are Disappointed He Comes to ONIC, Here’s Alberttt’s Response

RRQ Fans Are Disappointed He Comes to ONIC, Here’s Alberttt’s Response

Alberttt has been a bit of a surprise this season following his move to rival ONIC Esports. This departure was quite sudden because previously he had been announced to be the RRQ roster for the 12th season.

But not long after that he farewell until finally announced to join the King of Heaven.

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This surprised the RRQ fans considering the move was so fast, not a few were disappointed about the move, and in response to this, this is the response of the former RRQ jungler.

“Okay, guys, it’s okay if you want to be disappointed, it’s also a human being, isn’t it okay to just enjoy it, kids are disappointed, it turns out that there are a lot of guys, thank you for those who have supported it, it’s okay for those who don’t want to support it, guys,” said Alberttt.

Responding to this Alberttt resigned, for those who were disappointed there was no problem, for those who supported Alberttt thanked him.

Alberttt himself joined ONIC Esports quite quickly because he had recently farewell from his old team RRQ.

Indeed, there was a delay until he was officially announced, but seeing the many clues and rumors circulating that his move was actually not too surprising.

Moreover, recently Alberttt has been really happy with the ONIC players, it’s interesting to look forward to his performance with the new team. What’s more, there is still Kairi who is trusted as a jungler, or will Alberttt change roles, or even play with two junglers?

READ ALSO: Official to ONIC, How much is the Alberttt Transfer?

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Source: dailyspin.id

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