The Ultimate Guide to Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution: Dominate the Leaderboards and Conquer the Ages

**The Ultimate Guide to Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution: Dominate the Leaderboards and Conquer the Ages**


Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution is a popular turn-based strategy game that allows players to build and lead their own civilization from the dawn of time to the space age. With its addictive gameplay and challenging AI opponents, it’s no wonder why players are eager to dominate the leaderboards and conquer the ages. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with essential tips and strategies to help you achieve victory in this immersive game.

1. Choose the Right Civilization

The first step to success in Civilization Revolution is selecting the right civilization. Each civilization has unique bonuses and units that can give you an advantage in different aspects of the game. Whether you prefer a military-focused civilization like the Romans or a science-oriented one like the Chinese, choose a civilization that aligns with your preferred playstyle.

2. Understand the Game Mechanics

To excel in Civilization Revolution, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the game mechanics. Familiarize yourself with concepts such as production, research, culture, and happiness. Understanding how these mechanics work together will allow you to make informed decisions and optimize your civilization’s growth and development.

3. Expand Your Empire

Expansion is key in Civilization Revolution. The more cities you have, the more resources and opportunities for growth you’ll have. Be proactive in settling new cities and strategically place them near valuable resources. Keep an eye on your opponents’ territories and seize opportunities to capture their cities through military conquest or diplomatic means.

4. Develop a Balanced Economy

A strong economy is essential for maintaining a powerful civilization. Focus on developing a balanced economy that includes a mix of production, research, and commerce. Prioritize infrastructure development, such as building farms, mines, and markets, to boost your resource output and ensure a steady flow of income.

5. Build a Powerful Military

In Civilization Revolution, military might is crucial for defending your empire and expanding your influence. Invest in building a powerful military by training various units, such as warriors, archers, and cavalry. Upgrade your units regularly and keep them strategically positioned to protect your cities and launch successful offensives against your enemies.

6. Conduct Diplomacy

Diplomacy plays a significant role in Civilization Revolution. Establishing alliances, negotiating trade agreements, and maintaining peaceful relations with other civilizations can provide significant benefits. However, be cautious of deceptive leaders who may betray you. Use diplomacy to your advantage, but always be prepared for the possibility of conflict.

7. Research Technologies Wisely

Technological advancements are crucial for your civilization’s progress. Prioritize researching technologies that align with your chosen victory condition. For example, if you aim for a cultural victory, focus on technologies that unlock cultural wonders and improvements. Plan your research path carefully to gain a competitive edge over your opponents.

8. Adopt Effective Government Policies

As your civilization advances, you’ll unlock various government policies that grant bonuses to different aspects of your empire. Choose policies that complement your goals and strategies. For example, if you prioritize military expansion, adopt policies that boost your military production and effectiveness.

9. Adapt to Changing Circumstances

Flexibility is key in Civilization Revolution. Adapt your strategies and tactics based on the changing circumstances of the game. Monitor your opponents’ actions, adjust your plans accordingly, and seize opportunities as they arise. Being adaptable will give you an edge over rigid opponents.

10. Dominate the Leaderboards

To dominate the leaderboards, you need to outperform other players and achieve victory. There are multiple victory conditions in Civilization Revolution, including military, cultural, economic, and technological victories. Choose a victory condition that suits your playstyle and focus your efforts on achieving it. Keep refining your strategies and learn from each game to continuously improve your performance.


Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution offers an immersive and challenging gaming experience that requires strategic thinking and adaptability. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this ultimate guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate the leaderboards and conquer the ages. Remember, success in Civilization Revolution comes from a combination of careful planning, tactical decision-making, and a deep understanding of the game mechanics. Good luck on your journey to becoming a legendary civilization leader!


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