The 3 Most Deadly Mage Heroes in Current Meta

You guys should know that three hero mage Mobile Legends this is very deadly among other mages in the current meta, who are they?

Of the many hero mage which exist in Mobile Legendsthere are only a few of them who enter the meta game.

Like three mage The following are very deadly and are the mainstay of the players in the current meta, who are they?

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Mobile legend ranking
Photo via Pinterest

The first is clearly Valentina, this one mage hero is very deadly and is being fought over by players in the current meta.

The damage done by this one hero is enormous and Valentina also has a very unique ultimate that can copy the opponent’s ultimate hero.


forbidden mage heroes
Photo via DeviantArt

Then there is Novaria, a very new mage hero who is currently op-oping the spinners. Novaria has a very long range of attacks.

Plus the damage is very deadly, capable of killing the opponent’s core hero in just one attack.


Hero mage slow effect
Photo via Twitter

Lastly, there is Yve, who has a thick shield plus slow effects and deadly damage, making Yve’s name dominate the current game meta.

This one mage hero is very deadly, she can quickly kill an opponent’s hero alone, even in team fight matters, Yve is the queen.

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