3 Heroes Who Become Teachers in Mobile Legends

Here are 3 heroes who become teachers in Mobile Legends that you must know.

Many of the Mobile Legends heroes have different background stories, especially some of them have their own profession, namely being teachers and some of their students become Mobile Legends heroes as well.

So this time, SPIN Esports will discuss 3 heroes who are teachers in Mobile Legends.

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1. Novaria

hero mage Novaria
Photo via YouTube

Novaria is a Mage hero who has quite a dark background, because she was originally an ordinary girl without any powers. However, because of astronomical experiments, he has the ability of a demigod.

Then Novaria became a teacher who was teaching about stars at Eruditio, then in one of these stories there was a girl named Layla who became Novaria’s student

2. Gord

hero mage counter
Photo via WallpaperSafari

Gord is a Mage hero who becomes a teacher for Valir and Vale, because Gord is a very talented wizard.

With his high talent, this made Gord look for magic and make the magic seep into his body and make Gord turn blue and purple on his body.

3. Eudora

Photo via DeviantArt

Eudora is a Mage hero who becomes a teacher, with a high level of magical talent, but Eudora’s emotions are out of control because she is often bullied by the Light Elf herself.

Then Eudora met Teresa, a teacher, and made Eudora able to control her emotions. Then Eudora replaced Teresa as a teacher.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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