New Emblem, Makes These 3 MM Heroes Really OP

You should know that after the new emblem system, three hero mm MLBB This immediately becomes a really op, who are the three of them?

All players Mobile Legends I was immediately amazed by the new emblem system, where meta tank junglers are rarely seen now.

Core heroes are naturally returning to their former glory again, incl marksmen. Like three hero mm op Mobile Legends The following are on the rise with the new emblem.

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fast marksman heroes
Photo via Pinterest

Claude is the most super overpowered marksman with this new emblem, Claude can use many emblem settings.

Because all the settings are perfect for Claude and that’s what makes this hero immediately dominate the meta game.


hero mm op
Photo via Reddit

Then there is Clint, maybe Clint is the marksman who will benefit the most from this new emblem.

His name immediately rose to prominence, the damage he gave was enormous and very difficult to avoid.


hero marksman assassin
Photo via ArtStation

It’s been op, the more op that Melissa feels after the new emblem. The damage that is issued is maximized and very deadly.

Melissa can even kill her opponents very easily in just a few attacks.

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