The 3 Most OP Mage Heroes With New Emblems

Here are three hero mage Mobile Legends (ML) the most op with the new emblem that you should know, who are they?

Of course heroes who have role mage are affected by the new emblem set in Mobile Legends.

Which is a lot hero mage immediately rose to fame because of the new emblem, especially three hero mage the most op following is after the new emblem.

READ ALSO: New Emblem, Makes These 3 MM Heroes Really OP


Hero mage op
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First there is Change, who would have thought that Change could dominate the meta game again, spinners. At the top rank, this one mage hero is very popular.

Having a new set of emblems makes Change’s name immediately rise to the surface, the cooldown is very fast, the damage really hurts and his mobility is good.


hero counter novaria
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Of course Novaria is included in the list, because this one mage has deadly damage from her 2 skills.

The farther away Novaria attacks, the more damage she generates. This hero mage is also getting sicker with the new emblem set.


Vexana mobile legends
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Lastly, there is Vexana, this one mage hero is truly terrible when fought against and annoying at the same time.

The skills have a fast cooldown and all the skills are very op, especially the 3rd skill that raises the lord and the lord will follow the opposing hero and then attack them with tremendous damage.

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