AURA High Admits Helped by This Player When Adapting to Be a Roamer

AURA High Admits Helped by This Player When Adapting to Be a Roamer

High became one of the players who adapted to being a roamer from his previous role as a jungler. Of course it is very different when talking about the duties of the two roles. Even though we know High often uses Tank heroes when playing as a jungler.

Regarding his changes, it can now be seen where he will become the only roamer from the AURA Fire team in MPL ID Season 12 later.

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Through a short interview with SPIN Esports at the Meet n Greet event yesterday (July 4, 2023), High provided assistance from those closest to him when adapting to being a roamer.

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Echo Yawi
source: IG @yawiesports

“Initially, I felt that it was possible, but it was quite difficult to compete directly in the MPL.
The training is now pretty good, many have helped me like Kiboy, Yawi, Samoht, I asked them questions and they gave me advice too, so I adapted faster,” said AURA High to SPIN Esports.

Roamer Echo Yawi was also one of the players who helped High adapt, as a result High managed to adapt more quickly and has shown quite a mature performance.

We can see from the recent results where in H3RO Esports 4.0 they managed to become runners-up. At ESL they also enter the Challenge Finals and will compete with 11 other teams to win the title. In ESL, they also beat BTR Alpha, who was still going strong after Vynnn joined the team.

We are looking forward to High’s performance in MPL ID Season 12 with his unique heroes. What else will High pick?

READ ALSO: Before MPL ID S12, AURA Kabuki admits he wants to use this hero!

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