Not Granger, This is Hero Marksman Jungler OP Today

Not Granger, This is Hero Marksman Jungler OP Today

Granger became one of the top marksman junglers some time ago, especially during the hypercarry meta where the jungler ate all the available buffs and farmed on all lanes.

With the new emblem, Granger is back in the meta as a jungler but not as a top hero for Marksman junglers.

Because there are other Marksman heroes that you can use as junglers and are proven OP.

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YSS Jungler is Back


After dying in the Tank jungler era, YSS or Yi Sun-shin returned to OP after a new emblem, this emblem could make YSS usable as a jungler again and turned out to be strong.

He can use the Seasoned Hunter Talent to help him farm faster but still use the Emblem Assassin base, the third talent we recommend is Killing Spree, where every time he gets a kill it will add HP and movement speed.

YSS can return to meta because Goldlaner is also back to how it used to be where not only Marksman are strong in filling the lane but Fighter heroes or even Mage can.

This makes YSS like a hypercarry in its heyday. And of course with his damage as a Marksman/Assassin he is also very strong in dealing damage to his opponents.

Indeed, the Assassin hero is being greatly favored as a jungler at the moment rather than a tank because of the loss of the jungle emblem.

READ ALSO: Today’s OP Goldlaner Hero, Not a Marksman Hero!

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