5 Heroes Required to Ban at the Beginning of Season 29 Mobile Legends

5 Heroes Required to Ban at the Beginning of Season 29 Mobile Legends

Season 29 comes with a new patch recently, where the new emblem provides a lot of new team variations with several non-meta heroes now becoming meta.

So, regarding this change, we want to provide information about the list of heroes that must be banned after the new patch is released, and this could be your guide to quickly reach Mythic at the start of season 29 of Mobile Legends.

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the best fighter heroes
Photo via Pinterest

Arlott is the first hero we recommend banning at the start of season 29. The reason is because with the new patch he becomes stronger in terms of damage and defense, he can use two talent emblems Festival of Blood and Brave Smith which makes him even stronger when he becomes an Explaner or a roamer.


Joy Jungler
source: Mobile Legends

The agility of this hero is no longer in doubt, with the previous nerf his popularity actually started to decline but with the new emblem he became illegal again because apart from being agile he also deals damage that is so painful.


deadly assassin heroes
Photo via Pxfuel

No need to ask why this hero is illegal at this time. After the new emblem at the start of season 29 he is very strong, much like Arlott he can now use two quite crazy emblems namely Festival of Blood and Killing Spree, apart from the spell vamp now for every kill he can get HP regen and movement speed.

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Novara Tricks

Novaria has always been an illegal hero since her appearance in the Land of Dawn, indeed the emblem doesn’t really affect her performance which is basically strong.

Her skills are sick and her ultimate hack map makes her suitable for combos with many heroes like Beatrix, Selena and others.


New Hero OP Patch
source: FB Jagler Minsitthar

Lastly there is Minsitthar, the thing that makes it illegal is the Assassin meta where we know the agility of the Assassins to blink. Minsitthar is a suitable hero to kill this hero, so if you want to use the Assassin hero, you should ban this one hero so he can move freely.

Those are the five heroes that must be banned for season 29 of Mobile Legends according to SPIN Esports. If there are other heroes in your opinion, you can write them in the comments column, Spinners.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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