This is the Deadliest Hero Assassin, After Fanny

You guys should know that hero assassins op Mobile Legends this is touted as the deadliest assassin, after Fanny, who is he?

All players Mobile Legends definitely agree that Fanny is the deadliest assassin among the other assassins.

Related to that, are you curious about who it is? hero assassins deadliest after Fanny? The following are the heroes and explanations for the SPIN Esports version.

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The hero we are talking about is Helcurt, Helcurt himself is a veteran assassin in MLBB, his name has been around for a long time in this one MOBA game.

Helcurt’s main ability is his annoying silence, but he doesn’t only have silence, Helcurt also has very high burst damage.

Even with just one attack, the opposing hero he is targeting can immediately die on the spot, not just one hero but all opposing heroes Helcurt can kill simultaneously.

Of course, this ability is very deadly, even Fanny finds it difficult to do this. While Helcurt only needs momentum, then skills 1 and 2, the enemy immediately dies on the spot.

Hero assassin op
Photo via FB Mobile Legends Daily

Helcurt’s terrible ability already existed when he was still level 2, if Fanny only needed level 1 and activated her 2nd skill to slaughter.

This Helcurt only needs level 2 to activate skills 1 and 2, then only then can he kill the opposing hero easily.

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