Rows of Heroes that Match Basic Common Emblems, Become OP?

Rows of Heroes that Match Basic Common Emblems, Become OP?

One of the changes is the presence of a new Emblem, namely Basic Common Emblem. After conducting experiments, it turned out that this emblem is quite suitable for several heroes, even considered OP for some of these heroes.

Basic Common Emblems
source: Mobile Legends

This is due to the Hybrid Regen in this emblem, this status does not exist in other emblems so you could say this emblem is the only one with this status.

Some of the following heroes just need this and are fairly strong after getting this status, who do you think they are?

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the strongest mage hero
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First, there is Cecilion, who is the most extravagant hero at the moment. He needs so much mana in the early game if it’s not difficult to collect stacks because of frequent recalls.

Cecilion also doesn’t really need penetration or high magic power because his main attack power (skill 1) comes from the stack, the higher the stack the stronger it is.


Hero meta mobile legends
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Which other extravagant hero is Valir, he is indeed wasteful because of skill 1 which can be spammed all the time especially with the buff on the new patch.

But this is more especially for Valir roam which often rotates during games. Even though Valir is better and okay as a roamer because he can continue to harass the enemy without caring about the lane.


fast marksman heroes
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Next, there is Claude who belongs to which extravagant hero. Even though he’s a marksman, he often spams skill 1 to maintain his stack and requires a lot of mana.

Therefore, the existence of this emblem really helps Claude to maintain his stack without depending on which shoes can be said to have a small effect compared to other shoes. So, you really can replace which shoes with other shoes such as Tough Boots and Warrior Boots with this Basic Common Emblem.

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longest ultimate hero
Photo via DeviantArt

No less extravagant than Cecilion, there is Alice, who really spams her through her Ultimate. The ultimate doesn’t have a cooldown so it can be used continuously to collect his stack.

With this emblem, Alice will also last longer with +15 regen and is very helpful in the early to mid game. Of course, the late game still has a function, although in terms of stack, of course Alice has a lot.


hero offlaner op
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The last hero is Esmeralda who also often spams skills and is quite wasteful, she does spam skill 1 and skill 2 to clear lane and damage opponents.

So this Basic Common Emblem is a good option for Esmeralda so she doesn’t go back to base often and can win laning.

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