Chou M4 Echo Skin Leaks, Really Cool!

Chou M4 Echo Skin Leaks, Really Cool!

Chou will get a cool new skin, his M-Series skin with the Echo theme. Echo himself is an M4 champion so they are entitled to get the skin of their choice.

Chou is the hero chosen because indeed all Echo players can play this hero in any lane.

Regarding the appearance, there are already leaks, Spinners, you can immediately see below.

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Display of the Chou M4 Echo Skin

Skin Chou Echo
source: YT Ace Unyil Official Team

You can see for yourself through the leak of one of the trusted leakers in Mobile Legends that it looks as casual as an Echo player.

Yup, Chou especially uses Echo’s signature Varsity with hair color following the color pattern of the Varsity, namely purple and white.

The appearance can be said to be quite different from previous M-Series skins such as Harith, Lancelot and Estes. However, this is very reasonable because the team is quite young and consists of talented young players whose skin looks very fresh with the typical pro player style with their jackets. I’m really curious about the effect of the skin when it’s released later.

When will the Echo Chou Skin be Released?

source: YT Ace Unyil Official Team

It is not known exactly when the release date for this M-Series skin is, but based on the existing leaks because the appearance has been leaked, we can expect this skin to be released in the coming months, possibly before the M5 starts in December 2023.

Look forward to further information about this skin belonging to Echo the Philippines, for sure there will be leaks of the gameplay skin when the information becomes available.

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