This Hero Mage Doesn’t Deserve to Be a Midlaner

Did you know that there is one hero mage op Mobile Legends (ML) who doesn’t deserve to be a midlaner, who is this hero?

Of the many hero mage which exist in Mobile Legendsthere is only one hero who does not deserve to be a midlaner.

Even though this role is the role most identical to mage heroesbut this one hero is really not suitable to be played in that role, who is he?

READ ALSO: The only tank hero who doesn’t have CC, don’t be picked to be roam


Offlaner op mobile legends
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This hero is Esmeralda, Esmeralda is a mage hero who is not suitable to be played as a midlaner.

Because basically his role is actually a mage/tank, as a result he is more often and suitable to be played on the side lane, sometimes even as a jungler.

Meanwhile, when she became a midlaner, Esmeralda lost badly to other midlaners. He doesn’t have good mobility, his cc skills aren’t strong enough and he’s a melee hero.

As a result, midlaners who have a long attack range can easily beat Esmeralda with their combo skills.

Even though Esmeralda has strong defense, still if she is hit by the combo skills of the current midlaners, she can die on the spot.

mobile legends offlaner
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Apart from that, Esmeralda’s early game skills are not as good, unlike other midlaners, Esmeralda takes a long time to kill opposing heroes in the early game, while the other midlaners are more effective in the early game.

So according to SPIN Esports, Esmeralda is a mage who really isn’t suitable to be played as a midlaner, it’s better to just pick another hero than playing Esmeralda mid.

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