There Are Only Two Emblems Suitable for MLBB Mage Right Now!

There Are Only Two Emblems Suitable for MLBB Mage Right Now!

Talking about Mage heroes, now there are only two emblems that match. Not because other emblems are bad, but indeed for Mage heroes, only these two emblems can make them even more sick.

The rest of the existing status does not make the Mage who is used as an offensive hero do not feel the damage such as Tank emblems, Support and others.

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So, the question is what kind of emblem is it?

Matching Assassin and Mage Emblems

MLBB Mage emblems
source: Mobile Legends

The two emblems are Custom Emblem Assassin and Custom Emblem Mage, this is because the status given is very suitable for Mage heroes.

Custom Emblem Assassin provides three statuses, namely Adaptive Penetration, Adaptive Attack and Movement Speed.

Where the three of them are suitable especially for Mage who has great damage, with high penetration at the beginning of course the skills given will be very painful.

Custom Emblem Mage provides Magic Power, Cooldown Reduction and Magic Penetration, more towards Mage who spam skills frequently such as Poke Damage type heroes like Lylia, Yve, and others.

But you can also use it for burst heroes if you want higher magic power. Although the penetration is higher in the Assassin emblem.

Yup, both are very possible choices and are suitable for current Mage in MLBB, you can try using them right away, Spinners.

READ ALSO: Rows of Heroes that Match Basic Common Emblems, Become OP?

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