5 Strongest Hero Fighters in the Early Game

The 5 Strongest Fighter Heroes in the Early Game, which you must try when you are going to play with a Fighter.

Hero Fighter is a hero that you really need to use when you are indeed an EXP Lane user role, because it is very useful for you to try to learn and use.

Now, this time SPIN Esports will discuss the 5 Strongest Hero Fighters in the Early Game.

READ ALSO: This Hero Fighter is a Counter for Tanks

1. Dyrroth

mobile legends heroes
Photo via Pinterest

Dyrroth is the first Fighter hero who has quite high damage in the early game, he’s also easy to use if you really want to try this hero.

Passive Dyrroth also deals quite painful damage in the early game.

2. Silvana

solo ranks
Photo via Novazenn

Silvanna is a Fighter hero who has quite high damage in the early game, especially when you use items or fighter mage builds.

3. Khaleed

Mobile legends heroes
Photo via Twitter

Khaleed is a Fighter hero who is quite unique, where you use his skills to give quite a lot of high healing regen.

Especially if Khaleed rotates his sword 3x and hits his enemy, it will give 20% of the damage dealt by Khaleed.

4. Jawheads

Hero buff mobile legends
Photo via DeviantArt

Jawhead is the next Fighter hero who has quite high damage in the early game.

Jawhead’s passive from skill 1 will deal high damage to the opponent, when releasing his ultimate it will also deal higher damage.

5. Hilda

tank roamer heroes
Photo via DeviantArt

Hilda is a Tank Fighter hero who is always riotous, and deals high damage when you use it in the early game.

Hilda can be used as a relay EXP Laner or Roamer, the damage dealt is also quite high.

READ ALSO: 5 Heroes Who Like to Buff Thieves

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Source: dailyspin.id

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