3 Fastest MM Heroes Solo Lord in the Late Game

You guys should know that three hero mm op Mobile Legends This has the fastest solo lord ability in the late game, anyone?

When entering the late game, around 20 minutes and above, of course the lord’s abilities and defense are stronger than before.

Lords are increasingly evolving to become more terrifying and difficult to beat, both when attacked by crowds and especially when attacked alone.

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Related to this, SPIN Esports has 3 recommendations hero mm the fastest when doing solo lords in the late game, no matter how strong a lord they are they can finish off easily and quickly, who are the heroes?


hero mm op
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First in line is Bruno, mm this one can do a solo lord quickly either in the early or late game.

Burst damage from Bruno is very large from his 1st skill and it doesn’t run out as long as the ball is always taken and that’s what makes him able to easily kill lords.


Hero marksman op
Photo via Pinterest

Speed ​​is Moskov’s lethal attack style, he can easily kill late game lords quickly.

The lifesteal is also very high, so the lord cannot kill Moskov easily, instead it is Moskov who can kill the lord quickly either early or late.


Nathan's skin
source: Mobile Legends

The last one is the best when it comes to solo lords both in the early and late game, he is Natan.

Yep Natan can kill lords in the late game quickly, he has a basic attack that bounces off the damage, so when attacked by Natan you are like 2x receiving attacks, besides that Natan also has a shadow that helps him attack.

That’s what makes him able to easily kill lords both late and early.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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