The best jungler hero from the MM role is in this hero

You guys should know that jungler heroes best of roles mm Mobile Legends According to SPIN Esports, who is this one hero?

There are only a few marksman heroes that can and are effectively played so jungleryou could say there are only five heroes.

Five of them are Granger, Bruno, Natan, Kimmy and Yi Sun Shin. Specifically for Yi Sun Shin, actually he is more of an assassin but still his basic role is mm.

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Then which of the five MM heroes is the most effective and powerful to play? jungler? Listen carefully, spinners.


hero counter estes
Photo via Twitter

In our opinion, the best jungler hero from the role marksman is Natan, Natan is far superior to the other mm when played as the main core of the team.

Natan has good farming skills from early to late game, which exceeds Yss or Granger’s abilities.

Which is the main and most basic requirement for a hero worthy of being played as a jungler is his farming ability.

Natan also has good mobility more than Bruno, Kimmy, Yss or Granger. Because Natan’s stack is able to make his movement speed fast, you can say that his way of working is the same as Claude’s.

Lastly in terms of damage, Natan has very deadly damage. He is able to win team fights easily and in the blink of an eye.

Because Natan’s basic attack can reflect damage so that the opponent is hit by 2x the damage, besides that Natan also has a shadow that can help him attack.

As a result, when fighting Natan, it’s like you are fighting many heroes with very painful reflection damage.

Nathan's skin
source: Mobile Legends

Natan’s killing ability is far above the average of the other marksman heroes who can be played as junglers, that’s why we call this hero the best in the jungler position.

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