5 Reasons Hero Valir is Still Overpowered

5 Reasons Hero Valir is Still Overpowered, which you must know.

Valir himself is a Mage hero who has quite a lot of stun, making his opponent overwhelmed when fighting Valir if the opponent is hit by Valir’s skills many times.

Now, SPIN Esports will discuss 5 reasons Hero Valir is still overpowered.

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old school hero skills mobile legends
Photo via Shao

1. Can Be Roamed

Valir himself can be used as a Roamer hero or a Mage hero, depending on whether the team needs a Mage or Roamer.

Because this hero is quite useful if used by Roamers, can open maps, and disturb the opposing team when they want to take the jungle.

2. Early Game

In the early game Valir already has quite high damage, you don’t need to use Lylia, you only need to use Valir with his one skill.

If the opponent is hit by one Valir skill, the skill cooldowns quickly and feels endless.

old slow mage heroes
Photo via Twitter @takoizube

3. Thick Mana

Valir has thick mana, and feels endless if we use his skill many times.

Especially if one of Valir’s items has been completed, it already feels very thick.

4. It’s not easy to get to the alley

Valir himself is a hero who is not easy for the enemy to gang up on, because Valir’s own skill makes the enemy stun if hit many times, and his second skill can make the opponent retreat instantly.

5. Slow effect

The slow effect that is owned by Valir himself makes it difficult for enemies to walk quickly.

Of all the skills possessed by Valir, it gives a slow effect and gives a stun effect if it is hit many times.

ALSO READ: There Are Only 2 Mage Heroes Who Can Solo Lord Quickly

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Source: dailyspin.id

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