There are only 2 ways to get a comeback at MLBB

You must know that there are only two ways to gain comeback in game MLBBwhat are the two ways?

comeback is something that players really want Mobile Legendseither in rank or other modes.

as the name suggests, comeback this can make our team win suddenly even though they were previously in a losing position.

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The main thing is comeback it is turning things around, from losing to winning. Therefore SPIN Esports will provide 2 ways to get it comeback in MLBBthere are only 2 ways only.

Wait for the Enemy’s Blunder

comeback mobile legends ml
photo via yt heroisgod

Usually, when the opposing team is far ahead and feels that the hero they are using is very strong and difficult to stop, surely some of them will make blunders.

They will pretend to be strong going forward alone, then blunder and you can take advantage of that to immediately force war.

Because your chances of winning the war are very large, as well as being able to immediately end the match thanks to the superior number of your team’s heroes.

Wait for Your Roamers to Make Good Moves

trio rank
source: Mobile Legends

The last thing that can create a comeback even in a losing state is waiting for your roamers to make good moves.

You have to believe that your roamer can do a perfect initiation, your roamer has to kidnap the opponent’s hero who has the most influence in the team fight.

Later, if successful, then just hit the opposing team, they will have trouble in the war because the team fight heroes have been killed or dying.

Therefore, heroes like Johnson, Tigreal, Khufra and Atlas are strongly recommended for you to pick when playing rank, these heroes can easily bring the team back.

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