The 3 Most Delicious MM Heroes for Turret Defense

You guys should know that three hero mm op Mobile Legends The following are the best for turret defense, who are they?

Using heroes who have turret defense abilities is an advantage because they can protect their team from defeat.

Usually these turret defense heroes have a wide area of ​​damage and are also able to clear minions quickly.

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Therefore, SPIN Esports will provide 3 recommendations hero mm the best for turret defense, guaranteed that your team’s turret is difficult to penetrate by your opponent.


Hero marksman buff
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Hanabi has a very unique ability that other mm heroes don’t have, that is, she can continuously reflect her basic attack damage.

So that the minions that are close to him will be easy to kill, even if the opponent who is hit by Hanabi’s reflected damage can slowly erode his blood.

This ability is very good when holding back minions and lords in the late game, your team is difficult to penetrate as long as Hanabi is alive.


Beatrice M4 Pass

Of course Beatrix is ​​included in the list, because this mm one hero has two weapons that can clear minions quickly.

He can use that to protect his turret from minion attacks both in the early and late game, two weapons that can clear minions quickly are the bomb launcher and the machine gun.


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Lastly, there’s Natan, it’s incomplete without Natan on this list because this mm one hero can clear minions quickly and easily.

Both the big minions in the late game and even the lords can be destroyed in a blink of an eye, Natan is really a good mm recommendation for turret defense.

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