There Are Only 2 Mage Heroes Who Can Become Roamers

You should know that there are only two of them hero mage who can be roamers in the game Mobile Legendsanyone?

Getting here, meta Mobile Legends increasingly varied. There are many heroes who are played not in their original roles and are quite effective.

As do two hero mage op Mobile Legends Here’s what turns out to be playable, so it’s roamer and is effective, anyone?

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The hero mage is sick
Photo via Pinterest

First there is Kadita, Kadita roamer is common and is popularly used by MLBB players today. This meta one is already widely known by players.

Kadita’s ability to kill opposing heroes in the twinkling of an eye, plus she also has an annoying cc, makes her worthy of being played as a roamer.


Hero mage op mobile legends
Photo via ArtStation

The last one is Valir, although he doesn’t have a deadly combo and skills as good as Kadita. However, Valir is really suitable to be played as a roamer.

He has skill 2 which can repel opposing heroes who want to cc their teammates, then skill 1 Valir is also a counter for tank heroes, melee heroes and so on.

That’s what makes Valir suitable to be played as a roamer, especially since skill 3 can also be immune, making it difficult for opponents to pick off this hero.

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