Will be Released Soon, Is Blade HSR Mandatory in Gacha?

Will be Released Soon, Is Blade HSR Mandatory in Gacha?

Blade will be coming soon in the new Honkai Star Rail patch tomorrow July 19, 2023 version 1.2. As a new character, of course there are many who want to gacha this one character, especially seeing his semi-antagonistic role, of course, makes you curious.

Do you think Blade should be gacha or not, especially if the next banner is Kafka, Spinners? Check out the explanation from SPIN Esports.

Mandatory Blade If

HSR blades

Some points of consideration for Gacha Blade:

  • Need DPS or Damage Dealer Wind
  • Got Luocha
  • Not yet Build Dan Heng

First, of course, the need for DPS or Damage dealer Wind where Blade does have good skills.

Luocha is the best healer for now because there is an auto heal that helps Blade when he uses skills to suck up his own HP.

Lastly, in our opinion, is Dan Heng where he can be a good DPS Wind figure when you have built it. Of course more and more opponents will need Wind DPS so the option to take Blade before building Dan Heng is in our opinion very appropriate.

Of course, if you don’t have some of the points above, we can most likely skip it, especially if you are more eyeing the next banner character, namely Kafka or other banners.

READ ALSO: HSR New Character Leaks Beside Kafka and Blade!

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Source: dailyspin.id

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