3 Fastest Assassin Heroes Clear Minion, Good for Defense

You guys should know that three hero assassins op Mobile Legends this can clear minions quickly, it’s really good for defense.

Using heroes with fast clear minion abilities is a distinct advantage for you.

Because heroes like this will be good to play for defense or attack, they are able to clear minions quickly so there is no backdoor alias split push by opposing heroes.

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Related to this, SPIN Esports has three hero assassins the fastest clear minion, they are all really good to play for defense.


Hero assassin op
Photo via FB Mobile Legends Daily

You could say Helcurt is the best assassin when it comes to clear minions, Helcurt only needs to do 4 basic attacks then use his 2 skills.

Then a large burst of damage will be issued and it is able to quickly clear minions in large quantities at once.


Joy Jungler
source: Mobile Legends

Then there’s Joy, the way Joy clears minions is almost the same as Benedetta she relies heavily on her skills which have a short cooldown.

Ultimate Joy also has a decent damage area so that despite its agile gameplay, it can also clear minions quickly.


Benedetta mobile legends
photo via dailymotion

Finally, there is Benedetta, who has a mechanic that is difficult to play, but who would have thought that this assassin hero could clear minions quickly.

Benedetta has endless skills, moreover her ultimate has a large area of ​​attack making it easy for her to clear minions quickly even in large numbers.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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