Don’t Ban Estes Again, These 3 Mage Heroes Are Effective Counter Estes

You guys should know that three hero mage op Mobile Legends is a really powerful counter Estes tho, so don’t ban that hero again when playing rank.

Estes still an annoying hero in the game Mobile Legends, anyone who picks this hero will guarantee that their health will always be full, especially during teamfights.

That’s what makes the players choose banned Estes, even though it really doesn’t need to be done. Because all you have to do is pick 3 hero mage The following MLBB is a powerful counter Estes.

READ ALSO: This MM Hero is Effective Counter Ability OP Joy


Hero mage op mobile legends

Has burst damage from his ultimate which is very terrible, even more horrifying than Pharsa, Kadita or Lunox.

Making Gord able to easily counter Estes, no matter how hard he heals Estes, Gord can still kill him easily because Gord’s ultimate damage is much heavier than Estes’s healing.


Mobile legend ranking
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Then there is Valentina, if you want to fight back against Estes with Estes then just pick Valentina.

Where Valentina can copy Estes’ ultimate as a whole so that there will be a fight between Estes vs Estes, this is effective enough to counter the team that chose the original Estes because the Estes they use can backfire on her team.


hero mage op
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This particular one was Estes’ absolute counter, he was Luo Yi. Luo Yi can easily counter heroes like Estes.

In fact, it was not only Estes who was countered by Luo Yi but all of Estes’ teammates, because when Estes released his ultimate Luo Yi could easily use his combo skill because the opposing team was close by.

Therefore, Estes will be countered by Luo Yi, so you don’t have to worry about banning Estes anymore.

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