Why Baxia Jungler is Strong in Current Meta

Why Baxia Jungler is Strong in Current Meta

Baxia Jungler has suddenly returned to meta after being buried in the previous few patches. It turns out that one of the reasons that made him come back was because of the emblem.

Even though it’s not a jungle emblem like before, it turns out to make Baxia thick and stay strong. But there is one other reason that makes this hero even crazier. What do you think?

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The reason Baxia Jungler is Crazy

Hero tank op mobile legends
Photo via Amino Apps

The presence of Uranus as a meta hero is one of the reasons. We know that the regen from Uranus is very strong and the presence of Baxia will reduce the regen it has.

It can be said that Uranus is an annoying hero and a scourge for junglers to secure objectives.

With this Hero Tank as a jungler you don’t need to worry about that. Especially now that so many Assassin junglers are meta, he also doesn’t need to worry because Assassins will have quite a hard time against thick heroes.

Another point is the speed at which he rotates with his skill 1 which allows him to do many things like farming, turtles, lords and push turrets quickly.

This has been proven by one of the RRQ team’s junglers, Ferxiic, in the midst of the onslaught of the meta Assassin jungler he was able to shine with Baxia to get respect tires.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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