5 OP Heroes Using Execute Spells in Mobile Legends

5 OP Heroes Using Execute Spells in Mobile Legends.

Many heroes have overpowering abilities, especially if the hero uses an execute spell, but this one spell is rarely used by Mobile Legends players.

So, this time, SPIN Esports will discuss 5 OP Heroes Using Execute Spells in Mobile Legends, which you must know and try to use in Ranked and Classic.

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1. Hilda

hero assassin op
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Hilda is a Fighter hero in the guise of a Tank, this hero has a very profitable passive, especially if this hero is in the bushes he will be able to regenerate quite quickly.

Hilda has skills with quite high damage and makes the enemy once hit many times die quickly, and you can use spell execute with this hero.

2. Guinever

Guinevere mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Guinever is a Fighter hero who has unique abilities, she can knock opponents out then you can use her ultimate then don’t forget the combo of spell execute.

However, this guinever rarely uses the execute spell.

3. Kagura

Free Kagura Skins
source: DeviantArt/dannex009

Kagura is a Mage hero who has the ability to throw her umbrella and then return to her umbrella and deal quite high magic damage.

You can use the combo of the execute spell yourself because if you throw an umbrella at an enemy, you can use the ultimate then return to the umbrella and ultimate again then don’t forget to use the execute spell.

4. Natalia

cool mobile legends heroes
Photo via Twitter @Ruddyck2

Natalia is an Assassin hero who has the special ability to disappear and frighten Mages and Marksman. With that, you can use an execute spell to make the enemy even more scared.

5. Sabers

hero assassin op
Photo via Pinterest

Saber is an Assassin hero that is suitable for using spell execute because if you use this when removing your opponent’s ultimate you can use the spell so that the enemy dies quickly.

READ ALSO: The 3 Most Powerful Support Heroes Become Roamers

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Source: dailyspin.id

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